Many parishioners have been asking for clarification on our liturgical practice going forward. Can there be funeral masses? When will daily mass resume? etc.
With regard to weddings, we must observe the “30 percent” rule: guests can number up to 30 percent of our overall seating capacity (100 to 130 depending on the mix of individuals, couples and families of four or more) and must be socially distanced according to their respective “social bubbles” (that is, those who live together).
Brides and grooms, along with their witnesses, being seated at the head of the congregation may be unmasked. This is also the case with those reading and leading prayers in the wedding liturgy, much as the practice at a regular mass.
Baptisms are currently only celebrated privately. The “30 percent” rule applies with respect to attendance. These celebrations are scheduled on an ad hoc basis, much as we do with weddings. Sunday afternoons are the usual time for these, but given that these are individual baptisms, the need to schedule on other days is apparent. Baptisms can be celebrated weekdays, both during the day and in the evening.
Funeral Masses are now being celebrated in the Church. The “30 percent” rule, again, applies with regard to number of mourners who can attend.
Mass schedule for the fall, including daily mass, will be released soon. This will be discussed at the upcoming Parish Advisory Council, August 19.