St. Augustine Parish welcomes Chelsea Torregosa to ministry here in Dundas with a focus on our parish youth. She will be supported by the outgoing youth ministry lead, Julie Makarski and others who’ve been involved in that ministry in recent years. Many thanks to Julie for her outstanding work, and we pray for Chelsea as she takes on the challenges of supporting our young people in their faith in these extraordinary times.

Join Chelsea online Monday, May 31 at 7 p.m. via ZOOM
Topic: What’s Your Story: St. A’s Re-Launch Special!
In order to participate in this event, St. Augustine’s parish is asking parents to sign a media waiver form that asks for their consent for their child to be present at an online Zoom meeting. This form does not need to be signed before every event, for our purposes the form will only need to be signed once for your child to participate in St. Augustine’s summer events (May 31 through August 30). This waiver is supplied to us, and is required by, the Archdiocese of Hamilton to ensure the protection and safety of your child. This waiver is an updated form to encompass participation in this new world of online events and meetings.
Please read the entire form (see here) before signing it and returning it back via email to And as outlined in the form, we kindly ask that the form be submitted at the latest on Monday, May 31, 2021 at 7:00pm EST. If there are any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact Chelsea Torregosa- Youth Min Lead at or Fr. Whitfield- pastor of St. Augustine’s parish at
Finally, before Monday’s event. Here are some housekeeping notes we ask all participants to abide by:
- Please come to the online event dressed appropriately, while you’re on screen.
- If you are comfortable please turn your cameras on to reinforce a sense of community, but you are not obligated to turn them on if you are uncomfortable.
- Please keep mics muted throughout the event unless you have a question and are called upon to speak.
- The chat will be monitored, please be respectful when communicating in the chat.
Peace and God Bless!
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