Our Knights of Columbus (Council 6579) raised $1423.60 from its Spring Bottle Drive, including about $500 dollars in cash from knights who made returns themselves or collected empties from their neighbours and family over the past few months. Knights Martin Strybosch and Larry Hoffman raised $336 from their neighbours in the Turnbull Rd and Pleasant Valley.
In addition, the drive received a cash donation of $200. With this donation, the event netted $1623.60

There was an excellent number of volunteers on the ground as well as the use of a trailer and two trucks. Although this bottle drive was not as busy as past bottle drives, the Knights brought in a good sum of money for our charities and had a great time working the event. The social part of this event is something that I know many knights enjoyed.
The money raised will go toward the various charities our knights council support.
The bottle drive coordinators thank Father Bradley Markus and pastoral minister Erin Holmes of Canadian Martyrs Parish for supporting the event through the Canadian Martyrs Parish community.

The knights plan on running another bottle drive sometime after Labour Day.