The parish’s St. Michael Bell rings out the Angelus once again, thanks
to a groom-to-be. Previously, when the bell tolled, it rang neither the
hour nor the Angelus (three triple tolls), but a seemingly arbitrary number of tolls. The company that installed the system in the 1960s, I.T. Verdin
of Cincinnati, Ohio, sent a representative who looked it over and concluded that, in addition to some general servicing and repair, the system
could use an electrician to sort out some failing switches. In stepped Ryan Rozario (pictured above). He’s getting married at St. Augustine’s in
August (update: they’ve rescheduled to next spring) and stopped by to discuss arrangements. An electrician, he was invited to have a look at
the bell. After almost three hours of fussing with switches and circuits in the dark and dust of the bell tower, he got the striking mechanism to sound the Angelus!