If you are interested in helping, joining or being part of our music team please contact us at 905) 628-2880 or email us at music@staugustinesparish.ca
Director of Music Ministry
Accomplished musician in the local music scene, Christabel has also been a church musician for more than 30 years. Appointed director of music in 2022, she leads our choirs and plan the music program of the parish, encompassing both liturgy and performance (concerts).
B.A., B.Ed.
Siobhan Kerr hails from Hamilton, receiving her degree in Music/English from McMaster, and a Bachelor of Education from Brock. After a short stint as an elementary school teacher, she moved to Dundas in 2006 with her husband Patrick & budding family. As well as being a mom, she is a music teacher & a professional harpist. Siobhan also enjoys hiking, period dramas & chocolate.