First Communion & Confirmation

Confirmation dates and presiders for the parish are:

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 7 PM  (St. Bernadette School & others) – Conferring:  Very Rev. Wayne Lobsinger, Auxiliary Bishop;

Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 7 PM (St. Augustine School & others) – Conferring:  Very Rev. Wayne Lobsinger, Auxiliary Bishop.

Confirmation celebrations will be without Mass.

Catholic initiation into the Church has three parts: Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. Each is an important step in the journey of faith for which families and individuals prepare.

If your child has been baptized in the Catholic Church, the next stage of initiation for them is to prepare for their First Communion (and First Reconciliation – that is, “confession”). Students in the Catholic school system are prepared through the cooperation of the parish and school in Grade 2. Parents/Guardians and the students readying for reception of the Eucharist (also referred to as “the Blessed Sacrament”) will be expected to participate in a parish-based program in addition to the student’s in-class instruction.

However, if your child is not in the Catholic school system or has missed the opportunity to participate in the school program of preparation, you will prepare them through a diocesan home study program overseen by the parish. Contact the parish office to discuss this alternative. To have your child receive First communion this year, call no later than the beginning of September.

Confirmation completes Catholic initiation. If your child is in the catholic school system, a cooperative program between the school and parish is in place for grade 7 students.

However, if your child is not in the Catholic school system, you must contact the parish before the start of his or her Grade 7 school year, since preparation must begin by early October.